Zove Security is a trusted provider of information security research and consulting services to some of the world’s largest and most-esteemed technology companies. Our expertise is in information security services where we provide our clients strategic insight, proactive advice, tactical assessment and outsourced development. For each client, we offer a full range of security services.
We balance an organization’s business and security needs by helping clients build robust, secure solutions that represent the leading edge of computer security. We’re more than a collection of expert security consultants: we spend our hours brainstorming, discovering, researching and developing every possible point of entry and vulnerability in software and systems. We work around the clock conceptualizing system architecture, devouring code, and testing theories. The result of that work is evident in each of our client-facing projects.
Our mission is to be the leading provider of high-end security consulting to premiere technology companies. We improve the quality of new software products, services, and devices by developing new ways to find unknown vulnerabilities. We innovate constantly for the good of the technology community and for the greater good of end users everywhere.
Founded and staffed by innovative thinkers, passionate security consultants, and leaders in their respective fields; Zove represents the best investment in device and application security that a sophisticated organization can make.